Die Sammlung der Zentrale KUB umfasst ebenfalls eine große Anzahl an Büchern zur Philosophie.
Alle Referenzen sind über Discovery Fribourg / Freiburg zugänglich.
Diese ermöglichen u.a.
- den Einstieg in Ihre Suche nach philosophischen Dokumenten (Bücher, e-books, Zeitschriftenartikel),
- sich über die neusten Verfügbaren Publikationen (Bücher, Doktorarbeiten, Artikel etc) auf dem Laufenden zu halten,
- sich Wissen über das wissenschaftliche Publikationswesen in Philosophie anzueignen.
- On the evidential relationship between color constancy theories and color ontology (Rappaz-Bonzon, Antoine - 2024)
- Intention, intentional action, and self-knowledge (Bahjat Fumani, Davood - 2023)
- La révélation et l’ignorance (Theler, Fabrice - 2023)
- Ordinary ethical navigation (Ouellette-Dubé, Maude - 2022)
- Plotinus on beauty (Gál, Ota - 2022)
- Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University, s. d.
- Borchers, Dagmar, et Hans Jörg Sandkühler, dir. Enzyklopädie Philosophie: in drei Bänden mit einer CD-ROM. Hamburg : F. Meiner, 2010.
- Craig, Edward, et Routledge. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London : Routledge, s. d.
- Kirchner, Friedrich, Johannes Hoffmeister, et Arnim Regenbogen. Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe. Philosophische Bibliothek 500. Hamburg : FMeiner, 2013.
- Rehfus, Wulff. Handwörterbuch Philosophie. UTB für Wissenschaft : Uni-Taschenbücher. Grosse Reihe 8208. Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2003.
- Kompa, Nikola. Handbuch Sprachphilosophie. Stuttgart : JBMetzler, 2015. Link to catalog record
- LaFollette, Hugh. The international encyclopedia of ethics. Wiley Online Library. Malden MA : Wiley, 2013. Link to catalog record
- Lutz, Bernd, et Norbert Retlich, dir. Metzler Philosophen Lexikon: von den Vorsokratikern bis zu den Neuen Philosophen. 2., Aktualisierte und erw. Aufl. Stuttgart ; Weimar : J.B. Metzler, 1995. Link to catalog record
- Philosophy compass.
In der BHAP werden die Bücher nach der Universellen Dezimalen Klassifikation aufgestellt.
CDU 1(09) Geschichte der Philosophie
CDU 1"-0397"PLA1 Platon Gesamtausgaben
CDU 12(082) Sammelbände zur Erkenntnistheorie
Bücher in der KUB kann man direkt aus der Katalogsuche auf Discovery Fribourg-Freiburg heraus bestellen.
- Oxford Academic - Books - Music, Philosophy, Ancient Studies,PsychologyOxford Academic, Oxford University Press (OUP)’s platform for research, offers a single point of entry for access to scholarly and academic books and journals. The University of Fribourg has access to several thousand books in Music, philosophy, ancient studies and psychology.
- Alberti Magni Opera Omnia
- Directory of Open Access Books - DOABChoose "Philosophy and Religion" for a collection of e-books in philosophy from various publishers
- Intelex Past MastersLarge collection of works from authors from many different periods. Languages are English, German, French and others.
- Philosopher's Index
- PhilPapers : Online research in philosophy
- Oxford Bibliographies Online - Philosophy
- Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies : International Medieval Bibliographies (IMB) ; Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale (BCM); International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (IBHR)
- Humanities Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)
- OLC-SSG Philosophie
- International Philosophical Bibliography (IPB)
- = Online resource with restricted access
- = Online resource with free access
- = Link to catalogue record
- = Resource available in different versions
- Gene Editing vs. Genetic Selection (Bader, Ralf - 2024)
- Can philosophy be an academic discipline? (Kaeslin, Isabel - 2023)
- Nicole Oresme on the Movements of Javelin Throwers: a Peripatetic Reading of De Configurationibus II, 37 (Cordonier, Valérie - 2022)
- Commenti ad Aristotele nella biblioteca dell’Istituto Campana a Osimo: Umberto di Preuilly, Rodolfo Brito, Giovanni di Jandun (Panzica, Aurora - 2021)
- Beihilfe zum Suizid – Entwicklungen und Debatten in der Schweiz (Zimmermann, Markus - 2021)
- Cambridge Complete CompanionsEN / Cambridge Companions are lively, accessible introductions to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics and periods. All are collections of specially commissioned essays, shaped and introduced to appeal to student readers. Together the chapters add up to a systematic critical account of, for example Plato, Luther, Jane Austen, Tom Stoppard or Stravinsky, the French Novel or Jewish American Literature, and each title is supported by reference features such as a chronology and guide to further reading. DE / Cambridge Companions sind lebendige, leicht zugängliche Einführungen in bedeutende Schriftsteller, Künstler, Philosophen, Themen und Epochen. Alle sind Sammlungen speziell in Auftrag gegebener Essays, die so gestaltet und eingeführt wurden, dass sie studentische Leser ansprechen. Zusammen ergeben die Kapitel eine systematische kritische Darstellung von beispielsweise Platon, Luther, Jane Austen, Tom Stoppard oder Strawinsky, dem französischen Roman oder der jüdisch-amerikanischen Literatur, und jeder Titel wird durch Referenzmerkmale wie eine Chronologie und einen Leitfaden für weitere Informationen. FR / Cambridge Companions sont des ressources d'introduction vivantes et accessibles aux principaux écrivains, artistes, philosophes, sujets et périodes. Tous sont des recueils d'essais spécialement commandés, façonnés et présentés pour plaire aux étudiants lecteurs. Ensemble, les chapitres s'ajoutent à un compte rendu critique systématique, par exemple de Platon, Luther, Jane Austen, Tom Stoppard ou Stravinsky, du roman français ou de la littérature juive américaine, et chaque titre est étayé par des éléments de référence tels qu'une chronologie et un guide pour approfondir.
- Directory of Open Access Books - DOABChoose "Philosophy and Religion" for a collection of e-books in philosophy from various publishers
- Oxford Academic - Books - Music, Philosophy, Ancient Studies,Psychology
- Oxford Bibliographies Online - PhilosophyDeveloped cooperatively with scholars and librarians worldwide, Oxford Bibliographies offers exclusive, authoritative research guides. Combining the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, this cutting-edge resource guides researchers to the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects. More info : .
- PhilPapers : Online research in philosophyPhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. We automatically, continously index almost all philosophy journals and book publishers. We host the largest open access archive in philosophy. We also index other archives and personal pages for articles by academic philosophers. PhilPapers has over 60,000 registered users.
- Philosopher's Index
The Philosopher's Index is a comprehensive, bibliographic database covering worldwide research in all areas of philosophy. It is created by philosophers for philosophers. The Philosopher's Index features: the inclusion of documents from philosophy and interdisciplinary publications, extensive indexing, and author-written abstracts. Philosophers prescreen potential source documents for relevance to the field of philosophy; this enables the inclusion of articles from interdisciplinary journals and contributions from interdisciplinary anthologies that pertain to philosophy. The indexing includes the assignment of subject headings that encompass proper names and subject terms using a standardized thesaurus. The indexing improves the quality of search results and the use of the standardized thesaurus provides consistency across records from the various publications. The abstracts help the user more quickly ascertain the relevance of the documents.
The database provides global coverage, with source publications from more than 135 countries, and has records from 1940 to present, with additional records dating back to 1902. It includes more than 530,000 records in 37 languages. Sources includes: journals (print and e-journal articles from more than 1600 philosophy and interdisciplinary journals); books/monographs, including encyclopedias, dictionaries and book series; anthologies; contributions to anthologies from philosophy and interdisciplinary anthologies; and book reviews. More information:
- PhilPeople (The online community for philosophers)
- Daily Nous (News for and about the philosophy profession)
- (Swiss portal for philosophy)
- In Our Time - Philosophy (BBC Radio 4)
- Philosophy Talk (Stanford University)
- Sternstunde Philosophie (SRF)
- Les Chemins de la philosophie (France Culture)
- Avec philosophie (France Culture)